ALLIANCE the Ultimate World Leader Political Science Megagame as played at Dartmouth College in Hanover, New Hampshire

Newer Better Easier Version of ALLIANCE The Ultimate World Leader Political Science Megagame is Now Available!

This last summer I ran it for 30 teens and preteens at a national retreat for my church. They loved it. Back when I turned 40 in Taiwan last July, we ran the game in Taiwan in Chinese. They loved it. Last week two of the most experienced war game experts who run games for the state involving 4-star generals at the Naval War College, Pete Pellegrino and David Sampson facilitated the game for 37 of the most intelligent incoming freshman at Dartmouth College in Hanover, New Hampshire. They loved it.
Can Math Be Fun?

Can Math Be Fun?

Don’t just take my word for it. Even John Green, the author of beloved books such as The Fault in Our Stars says so, “Watch a Vi Hart video and your life will be changed. You may think you hate math, but you don’t hate math—you hate the way you’ve been taught math.”
Step by Step Doodle Games

Step by Step Doodle Games

The speed at which Vi Hart explains and illustrates her videos makes for an enlightening, although passive learning experience. If you would like to slow down and turn this into an engaging active lesson, feel free to follow our Step by Step walk through on some of the doodle games she rushes through.