ALLIANCE the Ultimate World Leader Political Science Megagame as played at Dartmouth College in Hanover, New Hampshire

Newer Better Easier Version of ALLIANCE The Ultimate World Leader Political Science Megagame is Now Available!

This last summer I ran it for 30 teens and preteens at a national retreat for my church. They loved it. Back when I turned 40 in Taiwan last July, we ran the game in Taiwan in Chinese. They loved it. Last week two of the most experienced war game experts who run games for the state involving 4-star generals at the Naval War College, Pete Pellegrino and David Sampson facilitated the game for 37 of the most intelligent incoming freshman at Dartmouth College in Hanover, New Hampshire. They loved it.
Episode 10: The Matthew Principle: How to Work Less & Achieve More

Episode 10: The Matthew Principle: How to Work Less & Achieve More

There is a principle in statistics that not so many people know about, but is extremely useful to know, known mathematically as, “The Pareto distribution.” It’s also referred to as Price’s Law or the Matthew Principle based on the scripture in Matthew 25:29 quoting Jesus, “to everyone who has will more be given; but from him who has not, even what he has will be taken away.”
Episode 8 – Life of Pi’s Parables

Episode 8 – Life of Pi’s Parables

Today we will return to an idea presented earlier two weeks ago the lesson titled, “The Truth of Myth,” in which we presented the idea that nonfiction presents truth objectively, but that fiction and mythology, though objectively true, present a subjective truth that often feels even more deeply accurate than true stories. To do so we will dive deeply into the story of the popular book and film called, “Life of Pi.”
The #SketchJournal Project

The #SketchJournal Project

Last week I handmade a coptic stitch sketchbook, and I’m having a blast filling it up. I was drawing and painting a lot before, and enjoying each piece of art, but I wasn’t quite sure what to do with them afterwards. There’s only so much room on my art board above my studio space. Now that I’m working in my sketchbook, I still get to enjoy every piece of art, but each piece becomes part of a greater whole. It’s like working on a big art project without the pressure of committing to a big art project.

Q: Why make the sketchbook by hand? Couldn’t you just buy a sketchpad already made?